Our Family Webpage
All about ME!!
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My Family:

Time for the family album. My kids are the pride of my life. When they put their arms around me for a hug or kiss goodnight and when they are getting into mischief they make me proud to be their mom.


Newest Family Members:

These two are the newest family members. James (bdate July 19th 1967) and Ariel (bdate February 18th 1997). He's my wonderful husband and Ariel is a first daughter to me. Life should now start to get really interesting.

A man in a tux; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Allan Kenneth Thomas: age 10

Here is my oldest child Allan. He has a very gentle soul. Birthdate March 21st 1992. He's the most gentle souled kid I have. Sweet and helpful. He makes me proud of him everyday.

A mother playing with children; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Kurt Nicholas William: age 8

This is Kurt. The second oldest of my three.Birthdate May 11th 1994. He is a strong willed person. Always ready to fight and to defend his oldest brother from any problems at school. He is a very sweet little kid and friendly. He also likes Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon.

A mature couple; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Donovan Darien Avery: age 5

This is my youngest. Birthdate, August 2, 1996. He is easily the most tempermental and headstrong of my three. He is sweet but very determined and and will do whatever it takes to get his way. He likes Pokemon and Digimon.